Thunderbird Circle – le Réseau des formateurs autochtones en travail social

La représentante de Thunderbird Circle – le réseau des formateurs autochtones en travail social auprès du CA est: Billie Allan.

Thunderbird Circle publie une déclaration de soutien à M. Shelby McPhee et à la Black Canadian Studies Association.

Awakening the Spirit: A Musqueam Canoe and Language Revitalization Research Project
Funded by SSHRC and the Musqueam Indian Band

Below is a link to a newly released 21-minute video that tells the story of a 3 year SSHRC Insight Grant between the Musqueam Indian Band (in Vancouver), Thompson Rivers University and UBC Vancouver. Awakening the Spirit is a video that will be screened today at Musqueam Indian Band during their National Aboriginal Day celebrations and will be shown at NAISA 2017 on Saturday, June 24, 2017 at UBC.

This canoe and language revitalization project is guided by a Musqueam Advisory Council comprised of Musqueam leadership, youth, elders and workers.  My role is as PI on the project, and my partners are Corrina Sparrow of Musqueam Indian Band, Andrea Lyall in the faculty of Forestry and Dr. Jo-Ann Archibald of the faculty of Education at UBC Vancouver.  Dr. Archibald is retiring from UBC at the end of June 2017.

This video is the story of the first red cedar Journey canoe carved in Musqueam in the past 30 years and is carved from a 350 year old tree originally located on Vancouver Island. The carving process was approximately 3 months long and is detailed in this video.

Elder Elmer Sampson and Elder Dickie Louis are the chief Coast Salish carvers on the project, and are at the forefront of revitalizing traditional canoe carving teachings and knowledge to the Musqueam FN community. In July 2017, this canoe will be used by Musqueam pullers on the Pulling Together journey off the coast of British Columbia.  It will be the first time that a carved canoe from Musqueam will be entered in the Pulling Together journey and will be led by Rhiannon Bennett of Musqueam.

My hands are raised to Corrina Sparrow, the Social Development Manager at Musqueam Indian Band for her leadership on this project.

Without her vision, dedication and commitment to healing in her community, this project would not be a reality.

This is the video link:



Le rapport suivant n’est disponible qu’en anglais. Rapport “Indigenous Presence” – Experiencing and Envisioning Indigenous Knowledges within Selected Post-Secondary Sites of Education and Social Work (en anglais seulement). Co-auteurs:  Dr. Margaret Kovach, Dr. Jeannine Carriere, Dr. Harpell Montgomery, Dr. M. J. Barrett & Carmen Gilles, candidate au Doctorat

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