The Canadian Social Work Review – Revue canadienne de service social (CSWR-RCSS) is a peer-reviewed journal, published by CASWE-ACFTS, that reflects current thinking and focuses on contemporary concerns relevant to Canadian social work practice and education. The purpose of the journal is to advance social work scholarship, practice, and education by publishing original research, critical analysis, and debate that enriches or challenges existing knowledge. The CSWR-RCSS has grown out of a Canadian context and continues to publish both Canadian and international articles, in English and French, that pertain to the Canadian social work context. Published twice per year, the journal is read by academics and practitioners throughout the country and can be accessed online via Érudit, JStor and ProQuest.
Publish with the CSWR-RCSS
We invite you to contribute to the Canadian Social Work Review – Revue Canadienne de service social and build Canadian-specific social work practice and education. Using a critical lens (including Indigenous, race, (dis)ability, queer and feminist theory), this journal aims to lift out the agendas and work of, and within, Indigenous, French and English communities, highlighting the complexity of diverse lived realities in this country. Our aim is to review your article quickly and thoroughly, allowing a short turn-around time from submission to decision, and publication.
Interested in becoming a peer-reviewer for the journal or have a question about publication?
Contact our Managing Editor, Sophia Biondi.
We meet the requirements of Tri-Agency funded publication
The Canadian Social Work Review is published with the financial assistance of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The journal is an online publication and since 2016, its content becomes open access (OA) 12 months following publication.
Call for special issue: Witnessing Global Violence
Frequently Asked Questions
Recent issues of the CSWR-RCSS can be accessed online via Érudit . The journal’s complete archive, which dates back to 1974, is available through JStor. In 2016, we transitioned to an electronic-only model of the journal, which is available through Érudit– a bilingual, electronic dissemination platform for Canadian scholarly publications.
Individual members of CASWE-ACFTS receive a subscription to the journal as a benefit of individual membership. If you are interested in becoming a CASWE-ACFTS member, visit our Members page for more information. If you are interested in an individual or institutional subscription only, please click here.