Opioid Use and Opioid Use Disorder Project
The Opioid Use and Opioid Use
Disorder (OUOUD) e-resource provides statistical, practical, multi-perspective
and holistic views of opioid use and opioid use disorder in Canada. The free
resource has eight modules that cover 65 topics and was developed for students
and faculty in social work, pharmacy and registered nursing programs who wish
to learn independently about this topic.
The OUOUD e-resource was created by
the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing, the Association of Pharmacy of Canada,
and the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE-ACFTS) with
funding from Health Canada.
With funding support
from Health Canada, CASN, AFPC and CASWE-ACFTS are working together to ensure
that nursing, pharmacy, and social work graduates enter the workforce well
equipped with relevant, evidence-informed knowledge to address issues related
to opioid use and opioid use disorder.
To achieve this goal, the newly
published national, consensus-based interprofessional guidelines will serve to
promote and guide curricular change in Canadian schools/faculties of nursing, pharmacy,
and social work in this important area. The learning outcomes identified in
this document provide targets for graduates of these entry-level baccalaureate
programs related to opioid use and opioid use disorder across the prevention,
health promotion, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery continuums at
primary, secondary, and tertiary care levels.
The interprofessional education guidelines is the first of three key deliverables for this project and will be supplemented with:
- interprofessional, consensus-based protocols to facilitate the integration of the education guidelines among the member schools of the three health care professions collaborating on this project;
- a free, open-access e-resource, encompassing teaching and learning tools, that will provide greater and more in-depth content to address the learning outcomes contained in the guidelines.
***CASN, AFPC, and CASWE-ACFTS acknowledge that although these interprofessional education guidelines are focused on opioid use and opioid use disorder, these are complex issues, and may be experienced along with other types of substance use, substance use disorder, trauma, stigma, and mental illness.
For more information, please contact Carole Carpot , Executive Director, CASWE-ACFTS at ed-dg@caswe-acfts.ca.