CSWR Student Article Competition Guidelines

Every year the Canadian Social Work Review holds a student article competition. Students enrolled at all university levels of social work education in Canada are invited to submit papers for the competition.

We aim to have one English paper and one French paper chosen as the winners and to be published each year. This said, some years we have had multiple winning papers in either language and at other times, there has been no paper that we have considered of sufficient quality for publication with the journal. In this situation, there has been no winning manuscripts.


  • Posters and letters go out to all schools of social work across the country to invite student participation. The competition is open to any student who is enrolled in a Canadian Social Work program.
  • Information about the competition is posted on our website including criteria of evaluation and competition deadlines.
  • Manuscripts are distributed among editorial board members for review. The Anglophone board members evaluate the English papers; Francophone members consider the French papers.
  • The editorial board members reserve the right to decide that there are either insufficient manuscripts submitted to sustain the competition or that the manuscripts are of too poor quality for publication and, in that scenario, to decide that no one will win the competition that year.
  • The editorial board also reserves the right to determine multiple winners if the manuscripts so warrant.
  • Students can expect to hear back about the evaluation of their manuscript within six months of the contest deadline.

In the event that there are one or more winning papers, publication is not guaranteed. It is expected that winning authors make any and all of the revisions that are deemed necessary by the editorial board in order to secure publication. If authors do not make the suggested revisions, the board reserves the right to deny publication.

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