Le Caucus Queer est composé de, et est ouvert aux, personnes allosexuelles (lesbiennes, gais, bisexuels, transsexuels, transgenres, bispirituels, intersexués, allosexuels et personnes qui se questionnent sur leur identité sexuelle) qui sont étudiants ou membres d’un personnel enseignant et leurs alliés au Canada. Le Caucus Queer donne l’occasion aux membres de CASWE-ACFTS qui sont allosexuels de se prononcer sur des questions, des besoins et des préoccupations touchant les allosexuels dans le cadre des activités de l’Association. De plus, le Caucus Queer crée un espace d’échange d’informations, de dialogue continu et de réseautage pour les étudiants et le personnel enseignant d’écoles de travail social partout au Canada. La présidente du Caucus Queer est Antoine Coulombe.
Le système de communication courriel du Caucus Queer de CASWE- ACFTS est une plate-forme de communication en ligne hébergée par CASWE-ACFTS pour permettre aux membres de son caucus Queer d’être en contact tout au long de l’année. Dans ce système national, des discussions peuvent avoir lieu, des annonces peuvent être affichées et des ressources peuvent être partagées. C’est également un endroit où planifier les activités pour la Conférence annuelle CASWE-ACFTS, où travailler sur la création éventuelle d’une structure du Caucus Queer et sur des activités en cours et bien d’autres.
Les membres du système de communication courriel du Caucus Queer de CASWE-ACFTS sont invités à utiliser le système de communication courriel pour envoyer des messages pertinents pour le Caucus Queer de CASWE-ACFTS. Cela peut inclure, mais sans s’y limiter:
- Annonces liées aux stages
- Appels à contributions
- Appels à des collaborations de recherche
- Conférences à venir
- Ateliers, panels, groupes de réflexion, colloques, webinaires, etc.
- Lancements de livres
- Demandes de renseignements
- Questions ouvertes
Autres informations
Rapport – “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) and the CASWE-ACFTS Accreditation Standards and Procedures” – disponible en anglais seulement à: CASWE-ACFTS – Queer Caucus Accreditation & Procedures Report
The purpose of preparing this report is to review current CASWE-ACFTS Accreditation Standards and Procedures to ensure that sexual orientation, gender identity and expression (SOGIE) issues are adequately addressed in undergraduate and graduate social work curriculum in Canada. The findings in this report, along with further consultation with members of the CASWE-ACFTS Queer Caucus, will be shared with the CASWE-ACFTS Education Policy Committee as part of its review of the Educational Policies and Accreditation Standards 2019 (EPAS2019). This report is considered a beginning tool in the CASWE-ACFTS Queer Caucus’ ongoing consultation with the Education Policy Committee’s work on EPAS2019.
Livre – “LGBT People and Social Work. Intersectional Perspectives” – disponible en Anglais seulement à: https://www.canadianscholars.ca/books/lgbtq-people-and-social-work
This unique edited collection addresses issues impacting the well-being of LGBTQ individuals with diverse identities to help students, practitioners, educators, and policymakers work with sensitivity and strength in the LGBTQ communities. Edited by three expert LGBTQ scholars, this engaging book offers a multiplicity of perspectives through the works of practitioners, students, and activists.By focusing on intersectionality and its application to social work practice, organizational change, and the pursuit of social justice, this text gives voice to previously silenced members of the LGBTQ community. The contributors of this important collection deepen insight into the diversity of identities within LGBTQ communities and provide many thoughtful recommendations to inform future social work pedagogy, agency policy, and forms of practice in diverse contexts and fields of service. This book is a valuable resource for students in Social Work, Community Medicine, Counselling Psychology, Nursing, Equity Studies, and Gender Studies, as well as anyone engaged in social service work.
Livre – “Queering Social Work education” – disponible en Anglais seulement à: http://www.ubcpress.ca/search/title_book.asp?BookID=299175392
Until now there has been a systemic failure within social work education to address the unique experiences and concerns of LGBTQ individuals and communities. Queering Social Work Education, the first book of its kind in North America, responds to the need for theoretically informed, inclusive, and sensitive approaches in the field. This completely original collection of essays combines history and personal narratives with much-needed analyses and recommendations. It opens with chapters contextualizing LGBTQ history, theory, and issues. It then offers first-hand accounts of oppression, resistance, and celebration. Finally, it reflects on the current state of social work education and makes essential recommendations for improvement. By equipping readers with a new awareness of and sensitivity to queer issues, this book contributes positively to the future of social work education, research, policy, and practice.
Livre – “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Health Inequalities” – disponible en Anglais seulement à: http://policypress.co.uk/lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-trans-health-inequalities
This ground-breaking book examines inequalities experienced by LGBT people and considers the role of social work in addressing them.The book is organised in three parts: the first provides a policy context in four countries, the second examines social work practice in tackling health inequalities, and part three considers research and pedagogic developments. The book’s distinctive approach includes international contributions, practice vignettes and key theoretical perspectives in health inequalities, including social determinants of health, minority stress, ecological approaches and human rights.Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans health inequalities is relevant to social work educators, practitioners and students, alongside an interdisciplinary audience interested in LGBT health inequalities.