Test Page FR

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The Canadian Association for Social Work Education – l’Association canadienne pour la formation en travail social (CASWE-ACFTS) is a national, charitable, association of university faculties, schools, departments, and modules offering social work education in Canada.

The Association’s primary mandate is to support the promotion of excellence in social work education, scholarship, and practice. This mandate is primarily carried out through the accreditation of BSW and MSW social work programs, research, the publication of a journal, and an annual conference.

The Association’s Commission on Accreditation is responsible for accrediting social work programs in Canada. There are currently 42 CASWE-ACFTS university programs in Canada that are accredited or have Pre-Accreditation status.

The Association’s journal, the Canadian Social Work Review is a bilingual, peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually and invites articles for submission. For further information please contact the Managing Editor.

The annual conference of CASWE-ACFTS is held in a different university each year and brings together academics, students and community members who present information from research, practice and policy related to social work education.

about us


CASWE-ACFTS envisions an economically, socially, and environmentally just world based on humanitarian and democratic ideals that demonstrate respect for the worth, agency, and dignity of all beings. Achieving such a vision calls for critical analyses of power relations, the dismantling of inequitable social structures and solidarity with populations that experience poverty, oppression, and exploitation.


CASWE-ACFTS is a bilingual, Canadian association with a social justice focus that promotes excellence in social work education, practice and scholarly activities. It does this through the enrichment of social work education, the accreditation of social work educational programs in Canada, advocacy, research, publication, consultation and collaboration at both Canadian and international levels.


CASWE-ACFTS carries out its Mission through the following activities:

  1. The development of social work educational policies and standards;
  2. The accreditation of social work educational programs;
  3. Membership development and support;
  4. Holding an annual conference;
  5. The publication of a scholarly journal;
  6. Promoting and supporting field education as a central component of social work education;
  7. The provision of critical analysis and social policy advocacy;
  8. The conduct and support of research and other scholarly activity.


In carrying out its mission CASWE-ACFTS is guided by the following principles:

  1. Social work education, scholarship, research, policy and practice are reflexive, contextual, and critical processes embedded in a social justice stance and demanding professional accountability to diverse populations.
  2. Social work educators respect difference and promote equity through valuing oppositional knowledges and interrogating dominant discourses.
  3. Equitable participation of all member groups and individuals is fundamental to quality social work education and scholarship.
  4. The defense of academic freedom serves to protect the critical analyses fundamental to quality social work education and scholarship.
  5. CASWE-ACFTS acknowledges collaborative relationships with the Canadian Association of Deans and Directors of Schools of Social Work (CADDSSW), the Quebec Schools of Social Work and Thunderbird Circle – Indigenous Social Work Education Network (TC-ISWEN), in fulfilling its mission.

Our Groups


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